
Best Apples for Juicing-10 Juicing Apples You Should Try Now

According to, Wikipedia there are over 7500 apple varieties for juicing all over the world. On the other hand, In the United States, over 2500 types of apples are growing. But all types of apples are not the best apples for juicing. They differ in sweetness, tartness, juiciness, and texture. The choice varies from person to person as well. Someone likes pure sweet juice or a mixed or balanced flavor juice while using the best apple juice machine. We have listed 10 absolute best juicing apples from the ton of apples that are best suited for your taste.

10 best apples for juicing

1. Honeycrisp apples: best apple to juice


When you bite the Honeycrisp apple for the first time, you will get why people want to pay much for having Honeycrisp juicing apples, it is expensive though. The balance between sweetness and tartness makes it popular among the people of the United States, especially in Minnesota. Additionally, Honeycrisp apples are good in flavor and texture as well. Honeycrisp apples are first grown in the 1960s in Minnesota but it was commercially available in the market in the 1990s. Later on, it increasingly occupied the supermarket. And still, it is getting exposure day by day as a popular apple variety. It was not grown for commercial purposes at all; rather it was grown for crispiness and tasted sweet and tart. When someone bites a Honeycrisp, it releases much juice at a time, unlike other best apples for juicing.

  • Sweetness: 5
  • Flavor: 5
  • Tartness: 5
  • Texture: 4
  • Score:4.75

2. Fuji apples:


In 1930, the Fuji apple was first originated in Japan but at present, it is growing more in the U.S.A than in Japan. The sweetness of Fuji apples is somewhat like Honeycrisp apples. It is a crossbreed of red delicious and Virginia Ralls Janet that is crispy, juicy, and the sweetest apple. Fuji apples have a longer shelf life in nature and that’s why we get them in the super shop year-round. Apart from using this best apple for juicing to make apple juice, you can eat the fresh whole apple or make the salad and bake the fuji apples. They are large in size and contain 9%-11% sugar content by weight.

  • Sweetness: 5
  • Flavor: 4
  • Tartness: 3
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 4

3. Red delicious apples:


Though red delicious is the most popular apple variety in the U.S.A, you can’t expect wholly sweet juice from this variety. They are mildly sweet, tart, and crispy. You get a mixed or balanced flavor if you eat fresh or make a salad with delicious apples. Delicious is rich in antioxidants and fiber. If you feel comport with eating the whole apple, you should not make juice from a red delicious apple for getting full fiber. However, what about its origin? Well, delicious apple was first cultivated in Peru, Iowa in the 1870s. But, presently, it is the most common breed in the U.S.A and is responsible for about 50% of the export of Washington state to other countries.

  • Sweetness: 4
  • Flavor: 4
  • Tartness: 4
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 4

4. Granny Smith apples:


Granny smith apples, the Australian breed, are well-known for their green color and acidic flavor. They were first originated in the 1868s in Australia and named after Maria Ann Smith. In taste, granny smith apple is a bit tart and sour. If you don’t like sharp apple juice with sour flavor, you can add other sweet flavor apples and cinnamon to discard sharpness. Being a low-calorie green apple, the granny smith apple is getting popularity among health-conscious people. Apart from, making juice, you can cook, bake, and make a salad with granny smith apples. Being sharp tart taste, it has a longer shelf life, resists browning within a short time and you can preserve the juice for a more extended period. The skin of granny smith is thin and that’s why they provide much juice content leaving less pulp.

  • Sweetness: 2
  • Flavor: 4
  • Tartness: 5
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 3.75

5. Gala apples:


According to, US apple association-In production, gala apples beat the red delicious in 2018 as it produces massively in the U.S.A. This variety is mildly tart but very sweeter than red delicious. Gala apples are the hybrid type of apple, which was originated from combining golden delicious and Kidd’s orange-red breed in new Zealand in the 1930s. Afterward, in 1960, gala apple occupied the US market massively. It is a mixed color apple with red, yellow, orange, and pink. As a cost-effective apple, gala apples are well known in the U.S.A. if you want to get the full sweetness of gala apples, then you have to buy them from the orchard or local farmer directly rather than a super shop.

  •  Sweetness: 4
  • Flavor: 4
  • Tartness: 3
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 3.75

6. Pink lady apples:


Pink lady apples are sweet-tart flavor apples that were first grown in West Australia in the 1970s but they were started to cultivate in the U.S.A in the 1990s. And since then they got huge popularity in the U.S.A. Pink lady apple is especially known for its acidic flavor over its sweetness. Nowadays, it is not only used to make tart flavor juice but also it is used to prepare salads, snacking, baking, pairing, or even sauce. The high tartness and sugar content with bright white flesh give it a crisp and refreshing flavor. Being a bit acidic pink lady has a longer shelf life and you can get it all around the year in the super shop.

  • Sweetness: 3
  • Flavor: 3
  • Tartness: 5
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 3.75

7. Golden delicious apples:


Golden delicious is one of the popular apples for juicing in the U.S.A. it is slightly sweet but has severe tartness masking the sweetness of the golden delicious apples. This variety is considered as the parent to the gala and red delicious but less sweet than both of the apples. It is a frim, white flesh, and crisp apple that in color a bit pale green to golden yellow. Golden delicious offers a mixed taste of sweetness and tartness which is called honeyed flavor. It has multi-dimensional uses. With golden delicious apple, you can make a balanced flavor juice, serve as salads, cook it, eats fresh, and makes sauce, even use it in making the beverage.

  • Sweetness: 3
  • Flavor: 3
  • Tartness: 4
  • Texture: 3
  • Score: 3.6

8. Ambrosia apples:


If you like a sweeter apple for juicing over tartness, then ambrosia apple is would be the best option to use. It is very sweeter after Fuji apple but low in acidic. Ambrosia apples are mid-sized apples of red flush with the yellow background color. If you slice an ambrosia apple, it does not turn brown. You can have a fresh refreshing flavor when you eat it fresh, make the salad. You can even cook it. It is a cross of golden delicious and Jonagold and was first grown in British Columbia in the 1990s.

  • Sweetness: 5
  • Flavor: 3
  • Tartness: 1
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 3.25

9. Ashmead’s kernel apples:


Ashmead’s Kernel apples are old variety apples that were first grown in England in the 18th century. Though Ashmead’s kernel is an old variety apple, people eagerly seek this variety for its sweetness and different flavors than any other apple out there. Despite treating it as a dessert apple, now people are using this apple for juicing different flavored juice. Additionally, people use Ashmead’s kernel to make salads, hard cider, and for cooking purposes. The first time when you see this apple, you will dislike it as the kernel apple is a green russet apple. But its nutritional value is as high as any other great for juicing apple.

  • Sweetness: 4
  • Flavor: 3
  • Tartness: 2
  • Texture: 3
  • Score: 3

10. Cameo apples:


Cameo apples are thought to be a crossbreed of red delicious and golden delicious. It is sweet and tart flavor, firm, and crunchy apple with bright red-stripe color. Cameo is the top nine among other apples in Washington State and was first originated in Washington in 1987s. You can get a delicious sweet juice using this best apple for juicing. You can get full benefits of its nutritional value by eating it fresh. Besides you can use it to cook, snaking and make salads.

  • Sweetness: 4
  •  Flavor: 3
  • Tartness: 1
  • Texture: 4
  • Score: 3

Benefits of juicing apples


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What happens if you drink apple juice everyday?

Though Apple is a nutritious fruit, overconsuming them may have some negative effects on our bodies. If you drink apple juice every day, it may speed up your weight gain. Besides, the sugar contents contained in apples may raise sugar levels especially may harm diabetes patients. So you had better drink apple juice with greens at times.

What is the best time to drink apple juice?

The perfect time to drink apple juice is in the morning on an empty stomach. You may have an apple drink before and after the workout. You can also take apple juice 2-3 hours before bedtime but right before bedtime may harm your body.

Which apples are best for juicing?

Honeycrisp, red delicious, gala, golden delicious, cameo, ambrosia, granny smith, pink lady, and fuji apples are the best apples for juicing recipes.

Is it OK to juice whole apples?

Though some juicer’s wide feed chutes allow you to put the whole apples, you should not juice the whole apple fruit. Because apples core and seeds contain a poison called cyanide that may harm your digestive system and other health issues may arise.

How do you prepare apple to juice?

When you make up your mind to juicing an apple, you should wash the apples properly and slice the apples for removing the core and seeds.

Do you need to peel an apple for juicing?

It varies from person to person whether making juice from peeling apples or not. If you want pure juices, you may peel the apples. But keep in mind the skin of apples also contains some nutrients. So why do you lose some benefits while you pay for them?

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