
15 Best Greens for Juicing- Choose Your Best Green to Juice

You would find a wide variety of green veggies out there. But, all are not great for making green juice recipes. That’s why; we have compiled the 15 best greens for juicing. We hope you would get a better idea of what leafy greens you have to use in your healthy juice recipes.

 Best greens for juicing

1. Kale:


Kale is one of the cruciferous vegetables and is considered the most nutritious leafy green. It is superbly rich in vitamin A, C, K, and B6, manganese, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, and high antioxidants. If you are a green juice lover, you can add kale to the top of your juicing chart because kale juice offers some incredible health benefits.

It reduces cholesterol levels in your blood and that helps reduce heart disease massively. Besides, kale juice helps you lose weight fast. Moreover, it is proven that this kale juice has an anti-cancer compound that prevents uncontrolled growing cancer cells. However, it is also good for your eyes. If you drink a cup of kale-green juices every morning on an empty stomach, it will keep you fuller for more extended periods and improve your digestive system surprisingly.

2. Celery:


Celery is another nourishing green for juicing and it has acquired great popularity among people. It is packed with vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Celery juice has a great impact on weight loss. It largely decreases the excessive calorie in your body and thus helps weight loss. Moreover, it controls cellulite by working as a diuretic.

This green also controls cardiovascular diseases and blood sugar levels, reduces inflammation, improves the digestive system, and alkalizes our body. Celery juice tastes bitter when you juice celery stalks with leaves. If you don’t like that much bitter juice, you should extract juice from celery stalks without leaves and can juice with apple and lemon using the best celery juicer. However, you can drink celery juice in the morning, 2 hours after your meal, before and after a workout, and 2-3 hours before your bedtime to get the best results.

3. Spinach:


Spinach is originally a Persian leafy green vegetable but is now a popular green among all health-conscious people. Spinach juice contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants like vitamin A, C, K1, folic acid, calcium, iron, and lutein.

Spinach is also packed with low-calorie, fiber, and protein. Containing more than 90% of the water in spinach juice keeps you fuller all day round and helps weight loss. However, all nutrients in spinach juice help you reduce blood pressure and oxidative stress, prevent the growth of cancer cells and improve eye health.

Read also: Can you freeze fresh spinach?

4. Wheatgrass:


Wheatgrass is one of the best greens that you have to use in juicing. It is a superfood that provides different types of nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, K, and B complex, iron, calcium, amino acids, enzymes, magnesium, 17 chlorophyll, phytonutrients, and proteins.

Wheatgrass juice helps improve our digestive tract boosts our metabolism, controls bad cholesterol from the body, detoxifies our body, increases cognitive function, improves the immune system, and checks arthritis and diabetes.

Read more: Best wheatgrass juicers in 2021-(Expert reviews and Buying guide)

5. Cabbage:


Cabbage is a cruciferous green vegetable and belongs to the brassica family, which is packed with different types of nutrients like vitamin C, K, B6, antioxidants, sulfur, phosphorus anthocyanin, and folate, calcium, magnesium, fiber, manganese, and potassium.

Cabbage juice has a lot of health benefits and it helps fight against cancer, control blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart diseases, improve the digestive system, and fight against inflammation. Furthermore, it develops skin tone, improves the immune system, and helps weight loss.

6. Cucumber:


Cucumber is considered a natural energizer that helps hydrate you all day long. It is a great source of water that helps in weight loss. The cucumber green juice recipe is acted as a natural diuretic that reduces toxicity and extra fat cells from our body.

Cucumber juices are also loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, B-6, folate, antioxidants, riboflavin, silica, calcium, zinc, magnesium, fiber, potassium, pantothenic acid, iron, and magnesium. Cucumber juices offer some helpful health benefits. It works as an immunity booster, natural refresher, and detoxifier. It also improves eyesight, sleep, and skin glow, releases constipation, reduces blood pressure, and helps weight loss.

7. Broccoli:


Broccoli is a cruciferous green vegetable like cabbage, kale, and cauliflower, which is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, C, and K, fiber, potassium, minerals, iron, and different types of antioxidants.

Broccoli green fresh juice helps reduce blood cholesterol, prevent cancer, safeguard heart health, reduce thyroid and constipation problems, check blood thinner, act as an anti-aging agent, protect skin from sunburn and improve eyes and oral health. Broccoli juice is not a sweet drink. If you like to get a tasty broccoli green juice recipe, you need to add some sweet fruits or veggies namely apples or carrots while juicing broccoli.

8. Collard greens:

Collard greens

Collard greens juices are the most popular leafy greens in southern America. They are members of the Brassica family like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and broccoli and taste the mixed flavor of like cabbage and kale. This highly nutritious leafy green contains beta carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin K, riboflavin, iron, folic acid, calcium, and manganese, and is also packed with innumerable antioxidants.

Collard juices are good for your diet plan. it offers multifold health benefits. Especially, It aids in blood circulation, reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, and improves bone, skin, hair, and eye health. Moreover, the anti-cancer properties of collard greens help prevent cancer. On top of that, a cup of juice improves our digestive system and lever functionality.

9. Lettuce:


Normally, lettuce is used as a healthy and crunchy salad. But, nowadays, juice enthusiasts make juice from lettuce to ripe multifold benefits, as its leaves and stems take a bit of time to digest. Though lettuce green is rarely used to make healthy juice, lettuce juice recipes are quite helpful for health.

It is abundant in vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin K, dietary fiber, low calorie, low protein, potassium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. A glass of juice fights against inflammation, cancer, heart disease, and anemia, improves eye, hair, skin, and bone health, boosts brainpower, and improves the digestive system, muscle strength, and metabolism. On top of that, a cup of lettuce juice hydrates you all day long.

10. Dandelion green:


You might have often seen dandelions in your backyard garden or lawn. You can cook them or juice them. But, most of the time the juicing of dandelion is overlooked. We all should know that they have some amazing medicinal value. They are loaded with a wide variety of natural nutrients such as great sources of vitamins A, C, E, and K, folate, antioxidants, minerals, fiber, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

You can make healthy green juice from new and young leaves and flowers of dandelion greens. If you use dandelion flowers in juicing, it will give you bitter juice. Therefore, to reduce bitterness in the juice, you can add some sweet fruits to dandelion greens juice. However, this green juice keeps you away from many health issues. It helps reduce blood sugar, inflammation, and cholesterol lowers blood pressure and weight, fights against cancer, and improves liver function, digestive system, immune system, and bone health.

11. Swiss chard:


In case of nutritious leafy greens, after kale, Swiss chard is packed with a wide array of nutrients like vitamin A, C, B6, E, and K, antioxidants, riboflavin, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, anthocyanin, phosphorus, and fiber.

If you extract fresh green juice from Swiss chard, you can get some incredible health benefits. It safeguards heart health, controls blood sugar; helps weight loss, and fights against colon cancer and diabetes.

12. Beet green:


Usually, we are used to making juice from beetroots and we can use the beets green as juicing ingredients. They are highly rich in vitamin A, C, and K, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, sodium, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, minerals, and many more nutrients.

Beet green juice works best for improving eye, skin, bone, brain, and teeth health. Besides, it boosts immunity and the digestive system, reduces blood pressure, and improves heart health. However, to get a better flavor, you can add some sweet juicing ingredients like sweet fruits and veggies while juicing beet greens.

13. Turnip:

turnip greens

Like kale, cabbage, and broccoli, turnips are also cruciferous green vegetables. You can extract juice from these highly nutritious greens but you have to add some sweet fruits with them while juicing for their bitter taste and flavor.

They are great sources of vitamin A, C, and K, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, and minerals. Turnip green juice aids fight against cancer and diabetes prevents osteoporosis, uses in hair and skin treatment, reduces anemia, and helps in good sleep and digestion.

14. Mustard green:


Though mustard tastes bitter and a bit spicy, people like to make juice from this green. You can add some sweeter juicing ingredients like green apple to reduce the bitter flavor. However, Mustard green juice is filled with lots of vitamins like A, B6, C, E, K, calcium, iron, riboflavin, potassium, manganese, thiamine, antioxidants, and low calorie.

This drink may improve immunity, heart health, brain health, and eyesight. It contains anti-cancer properties that help combat cancer. On top of that, mustard green reduces oxidative stress and blood clotting.   

15. Arugula:


 Arugula is originally from the Mediterranean region and has a peppery taste of green which is one of the cruciferous vegetables. The juice of arugula is loaded with calcium, folate, potassium, phytochemicals, low calorie, and sugar, and vitamin A, C, and k.

It has cancer healing properties that reduce cancer-growing cells. Apart from that, it reduces inflammation and weight. It contains a lot of water that aids you in being hydrated for longer periods.

10 Benefits of Green Juice

  1. Being low in calories and carbs and high in vitamins and antioxidants, Drinking Green juice daily aids in weight loss.
  2. Being rich in anti-inflammatory properties, green juice helps to reduce inflammation.
  3. Green juice contains a lot of water itself and other hydrating nutrients which aid in keeping us from dehydration and also keep us fuller for longer periods.
  4. Green juice has alkalizing effects on our bodies. When our body gets acidic, drinking green juice in the morning helps reduce Ph levels in the body and makes our body less acidic.
  5.  The variety of nutrients and probiotic properties aid in improving our digestive tract and helps smooth digestion and relieves us from constipation.
  6. The antioxidants, phytochemicals, and minerals of green juice help detox our bodies.
  7.  Being loaded with Vitamin C, drinking green juice aids in improving our immune system.
  8. Vitamin C and other nutrients in green juice help increase skin glow.
  9. Vitamin B, minerals, magnesium, iron, and other nutrients aid in enhancing your energy levels.
  10. By improving your gut health, green juice helps reduce heartburn, fatigue, stomach upset, and mood disorder.  

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