
10 Best Low-Calorie Fruit Juices-Scientific Health Benefit Facts

A common question arises out there that which are the best low-calorie fruit juices? When you want to get the healthiest fruit juices as energy drinks, keep in mind that you should choose low-calorie fruits for juices.

Sometimes it is called low sugar juice that helps weight loss, reduces diabetes, improves heart health, controls blood sugar levels, improves skin issues, etc.

According to Statista, the United States of America citizens drank 5.8 gallons of juices per capita in 2018. To provide healthy juices, there exist many low-calorie juice brands out there.

But bear in mind that you should not drink those healthy fruit brands’ fluids as a healthy diet because they use harmful chemicals and artificial ingredients to preserve them for more extended periods.

So what should you do now? You should instantly drink fresh fruit juice after extraction instead of commercial sports drinks, fizzy drinks, soda water, flavored water, or concentrated sugar water.

But to squeeze the low-calorie fruit drinks, you should use cold press masticating juicing extractor such as omega, tribest, hurom extractor, kuvings, aicok, etc. instead of a fast centrifugal juicer.

We have gathered a list of low-calorie fruit juices that fruit juices are good for health and skin and weight loss plans.

10 Best Low Calorie Fruit Juices

1# Apple juice


Apple juice is a nutritious and low-calorie fruit juice that contains natural sugar content instead of artificial sweeteners. 223 grams of apple juice contains 116 calories that are lower-calorie energy drinks. According to the USDA’s Economic Research Service, apples are the most popular fruit in the U.S.A. An apple is good for heart disease because it contains a great deal of soluble fiber and polyphenols that reduce blood cholesterol levels. It also helps control type 2 diabetes. A study shows that drinking a glass of apple juice in a day discards a 28% threat of type 2 diabetes. Besides apple fights against spreading cancer, prebiotic effects, asthma, stomach injury.

Read Also: Does apple juice go bad if not refrigerated?

2# Grapefruit juice


Grapefruit juice is also a low-calorie and nutritious citrus fruit juice that contains vitamin C, naringin, beta carotene, lycopene.

These antioxidants work best for controlling blood pressure, antidepressants, cholesterol, and blood thinners. 240 grams of grapefruit juice contains 95 calories that are much lower.

Read Also: Can you freeze grapefruit juice and grapefruits?

3# lemon juice


Lemon is a citrus fruit and a great source of nutrients vitamin C, polyphenols, terpenes, and tannins. These health-saving elements help control blood pressure, clear out toxins from the body, work as an immunity booster, stop cancer growth, and check the development of kidney stones. To make lemonades, soft drinks, and juice cocktails, fresh lime juices are vastly used. The juice of lemons and limes is also known as low-calorie drinks. 244g of lemon juice contains only 61calories, which is a healthier option.

Read More: Can you freeze lemon juice and lemons? How to freeze lemons?

4# watermelon juice

Watermelon juice mostly consists of 92% water and is a low-calorie drink. It also contains vitamins C, A, B6, antioxidants, potassium, lycopene, and amino acids. These useful nutrients act as rehydration supplements for the body, prevent cancer, strengthen heart health and bone health, work as Anti-inflammatory properties, and improve the immune and digestive systems. A glass of 280g watermelon fruit juice drinks has 80 calories.

Read More: Can you freeze watermelon juice?

5# Orange juice


Oranges are popular citrus fruit in the world. Orange juice is a popular low-calorie drink. Orange juice contains thiamine, folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C, Potassium, and antioxidants. These nutrients in orange juice aids to prevent cancer, controlling blood pressure, protecting heart health, controlling diabetes problems, reducing inflammation, and increasing skin glow. One medium 131g orange, supplies 61 calories of energy. One important thing that should remember is that orange juice is rich in citric acid. That’s why overconsumption of orange juice may cause heartburn problems.

Read Also: Does orange juice go bad? Is it safe to drink expired orange juice?

6# cranberry juice


Cranberry is a super fruit and can be used as juice, sauce, stuffing, casseroles, or dessert. Cranberry juice contains low sugar content, anthocyanins, flavonols, procyanidins, and vitamins C and E. A study has shown that the nutrients in this nutritious fruit aid lessen the risk of urinary tract infection, prevent cancer, improve the immune system, protect the heart, and decrease blood pressure. However, 240ml cranberry juice delivers 116 calories.

7# pomegranate juice


Pomegranate is the healthiest and a low-calorie fruit on the earth. Pomegranate juice contains 100 or more phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin K.These nutrients help promote anti-inflammatory effects, guard against prostate cancer, and breast cancer. It also fights against arthritis and joint pain, protects against heart disease, controls blood pressure, checks bacterial and fungal infections, and improves brainpower and other health benefits. A cup of 249g pomegranate juice provides 134 calories.

Read More: Can I drink pomegranate juice at night?-the best time to drink

8# strawberry juice

Strawberries are lower-calorie fruits that are rich in vitamin C, folate, manganese, and potassium. Strawberry juice aids in saving the heart, guarding against cancer, raising HDL (good) cholesterol, and controlling blood pressure. If you want calorie count and fruit sugars in fresh juice, you will get 33 calories from juicing only 100g strawberries (wiki).

9# Kiwifruit low-calorie Juices


Kiwifruit is a small sweet low-calorie fruit that you can add to your sugar diet. It is a nice source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium, soluble fiber. The kiwifruit low-calorie sweetener juice can help digestion, treat asthma, improve the immune system, control blood pressure, defend vision loss, and diminish blood clotting. But drinking kiwi fruit juice has some potential risks- especially for those who have allergy problems, trouble swallowing, itchy throat, swollen tongue, vomiting, and hives. However, 75g of kiwifruits juice provides 46 calories, too low-calorie substance (health line).

10# blueberry low-calorie juice


Blueberries are nutritious, low in calories, and sweet fruits diet drinks. They are abundant with anthocyanin, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, dietary fiber, etc. And these lifesaving nutrients help protect the heart, increase bone strength, glow skin, control blood pressure, check diabetes, prevent cancer, and safeguard mental health. Many studies show that consuming higher blueberry juice prevents obesity, lowers weight, and reduces hair fall. One cup of blueberries juice provides 84 calories.


I hope you have got the answer to the question- Which are the best low-calorie fruit juices? You can now make sweet drinks and sugary tropical drinks using these natural sweeteners that contain beneficial natural liquids and sugary contents such as fructose, sugary soda. So when you are going to start the juicing process, you have to select low-calorie healthy fruits instead of extra calories fruits.

Consider Reading: 20 Creative uses of leftover juice pulp you can do right now



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